Harriet Lustig Collection


Harriet Lustig Collection


A collection of statues and photographs donated to Winter Park Public Library created by and depicting artist Harriet Lustig.


Harriet Lustig


Donation by Jonathon Lustig


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Copyright Owner: Jonathon Lustig


Wire, Terra Cotta, Plaster

Collection Items

Harriet Lustig plastering one of her creations
The artist in the midst of the creative process.

Harriet Lustig with Pelican Statue
Harriet Lustig putting the final touches on one of her beloved birds.

Harriet Lustig
Harriet Lustig concentrating on the details of her creation.

Blue Cat
Blue cat statue created by Harriet Lustig

Terra Cotta Ducks
Statue created by Harriet Lustig

White Owl
Statue created by Harriet Lustig
View all 6 items

Collection Tree