Centennial Celebration (1982-2012)


Centennial Celebration (1982-2012)


WPD WPGH Centennial Celebration (1982 - 2012)

Collection Items

100-year-old building honored
Newspaper clipping from the Winter Park Outlook detailing Centennial Celebration activities.

Centennial spirit dampened by theft
Newspaper clipping detailing the theft of the Centennial monument four days after its' unveiling.

Celebrating the first hundred years
Newspaper clipping detailing celebratory events at the centennial celebration for the city of Winter Park.

Congratulations Kim!
Newspaper clipping announcing student Kim Montalvo as the winner of the Centennial Poster Contest.

Winter Park has a birthday
Newspaper clipping detailing events at the centennial celebration of Winter Park.

Popular slide show's repeat performance set
Newspaper clipping announcing that Kenneth and Rachel Murrah will host a second showing of a slideshow about Winter Park.

Artsy celebration for a centenarian
Newspaper clipping describing the artistic contributions made by Jean Welch and Jerry Raidiger for the Winter Park Centennial.

First step taken for Winter Park Centennial
Two newspaper clips detailing the earliest steps taken in preparation of the Winter Park centennial celebration.

The Winter Park Garden Club, Inc. Celebrates The Centennial Of Winter Park with "Reminiscences", A Home And Garden Flower Show Tour
A pamphlet with five images of buildings and associated text descriptions highlighting homes selected by the Home and Garden Tour Committee.

Centennial Gets Off To A Running Start!
Newspaper article detailing the Third Annual Winter Park Road Race, along with the "Police Beat". (see WPD WPGH Centennial Celebration (1982 - 2012 - 002)

Centennial celebration kicks off
Newspaper clipping detailing the opening of celebrations for the Winter Park Centennial.

Carrying the torch into a second 100 years
Newspaper clipping detailing the plans for a week of celebration in honor of the Winter Park Centennial.

Winter Park picks committee to plan centennial celebration
Newspaper clipping detailing the committee in charge of planning the Winter Park Centennial

Happy 100th, Winter Park
Newspaper clipping detailing the the start of the Winter Park Centennial, including dignitary attendants.

Centennial editions available
Newspaper clipping announcing the sale of "Winter Park: The First Century".

Centennial plates available
Newspaper clipping detailing the sale of Winter Park Centennial plates

Centennial notes
Newspaper clipping providing notes about the Winter Park Centennial in advance of the celebration.

Schedule of Events
Newspaper clipping detailing the schedule of events for the Winter Park Centennial.

City spruces up for Centennial week
Newspaper clipping detailing the decorations being prepared for the Winter Park Centennial.

Centennial, art festival highlight historic month
Newspaper clipping detailing the then-upcoming events in celebration of the Winter Park Centennial.

City of Winter Park Centennial Committee Announcement
Newspaper clippings seeking contributors and participants for the Winter Park Centennial events.

Centennial celebration kicks off
Newspaper clipping announcing the commencement of celebrations for the Winter Park Centennial.

City of Winter Park Centennial Committee Announcement (2)
See WPD WPGH Centennial Celebration (1982 - 2012) - 025, which has the same text with an additional image.
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