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  • Collection: Collections

TASCAM_0015 - Copy.1.wav
The second part of an hour long interview of CMSgt. Richard R. Hall, Jr. - an original Tuskegee Airmen who fought in WWII.

Richard R. Hall Jr. Oral History Part 1
The first part of an hour long interview of CMSgt. Richard R. Hall, Jr. - an original Tuskegee Airmen who fought in WWII.

Andy Wootten's photo was taken April 2003 at the Winter Park Public Library after he met with 
 the archivist, Dean Padgett.  Mr. Wootten presented to the Winter Park Public Library History  
 and Archives Department his collection of photographs,…

Harriet Lustig - C.jpg
Harriet Lustig concentrating on the details of her creation.

Harriet Lustig - B.jpg
Harriet Lustig putting the final touches on one of her beloved birds.

Harriet Lustig - A-sm.jpg
The artist in the midst of the creative process.

Statue created by Harriet Lustig

Statue created by Harriet Lustig

Blue cat statue created by Harriet Lustig
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